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TpT Back to School 2015-16 Link Up

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Hi Friends
Tomorrow starts Teachers Pay Teachers' 2015-16 Back to School sitewide sale.
Swing by and fill your shopping carts in preparation for the sale. My cart has quite a few products already!
You'll get 20% off plus another 10% off at checkout when you remember to enter the code:
Some people opt to set their entire store to a certain dollar amount - I'm one of them. I will be setting my entire store to $2 for the sale. Use the coupon code at checkout for an additional 10% off!

I've linked up with other primary teachers to showcase a couple of our Back to School products. I'm contributing the following: 
True to Scale Printable Rulers
There are teachers who use these for clipart on documents that they create, and there are teachers who use these True-to-Scale printable rulers for classroom activities, too. They can be sent home with homework and for projects. I even used one to help me center the images and text on a printable booklet I was creating! 
(I think my 2 year old took my actual ruler and I could only find this set's test prints to use!)
 Also, since this set includes black & white images in addition to the color images, they are economical to print. 

Another Back to School product that has been helpful for teachers are
Task Card Cheaters
Teachers use these as quick-print task cards for classroom centers and labels. They come in a rainbow of colors, but are most helpful because they include black and white for economical printing. 

2015-16 is sure to be a successful year, full of successful teaching moments. 
Let's make it a good one!